The Hills!!!!!!!

Posted by mrchadmane on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 in
So, clearly I can't quit the Hills. I have tried cold turkey, worn the patch, and even tried the Gossip Girl method. None of these worked, so I gave in and decided to keep watching. And I am so glad that I did!!! It was so eventful and so awesome, I was glued to my tv screen for the full hour!

However, I hate Spencer with all of my little soul and I wish that he would just get hit by a blimp, but no here he is on this show, spreading his douchery. Not to mention, I am one of the people that actually likes Heidi and thinks she is a good person, and I hope that she gets away from this piece of shit and realizes that he is just using her! But, seriously I can't believe he got into a fight and didn't get punched 1 time. That to me shows that this show is extra fake. Because he would have gotten punched or kicked or bitchslapped at least one time!

Anyfleshcoloredbeard, I did think it was very wrong of Heidi to go to Lauren's birthday party... It was awkward and stupid especially since she wasn't invited and is still with Spencer, which Lauren has made very clear she was not down with. Its all Stephanie's fault for being a busy body trying to get everyone to get along. But Lauren sure did let her know how she felt about that!

Anyway, I am def tuning in next week to see it, and my TiVo has a season pass so I will be here all season glued to it... someone save me!


Farts make the world go round

Posted by mrchadmane on Tuesday, April 14, 2009
OK, boys and girls, we've come to agree that farts are funny,farts are great, farts we can appreciate. We already know that farts can save your life, farts are healthy, can be stealthy, and an indicator of an upcoming fecal event, so let's take a look at the different kids of farts we can enjoy, or be appalled by. This list was compiled by an expert fart panel that takes into consideration many different kids of farts exist.

I myself am not only a writer but a member of the expert fart panel as well. The fart list is as follows:

1)Taco Bell farts. These farts are as unique as other farts. Taco Bell farts are three to five minute long farts that mysteriously happen about six hours after you eat a Burrito Supreme or two, and a soft taco or two, and are asleep, often awaking the offender about halfway through.

2)Italian Shooting Antipasto farts. These are quick but harmless, but shoot out at great velocity, like greased lightning. We use olive oil in and on everything. When I was a kid, I think my great grandmother might have put olive oil in my milk and in the syrup on my pancakes. These farts feel great with no spray side effects.

3)Spicy flamethrower farts. These farts are from Taco Shops that we have all over the the place. The food is great but a couple of good chili rellenos will burn going in your mouth and burn coming out. We highly recommend never to attempt these farts around young children or flammable things like foliage. It is always best to safely sit on an approved toilet with functional plumbing and running water.

4)Diarrhea farts. Never ever ever attempt a diarrhea fart anywhere other than on a safety rated working toilet. The blast often is expelled at high velocity in all directions, and the farter has no aim control with these. These are noticeable ahead of time and often accompanied with stomach pain.

5)Zip Code farts. Zip code farts are generally considered funny by small children and men of any age group, and are common at Football games, Poker night and buddies drinking beer by the lake eating pizza. This is without a doubt the best and most appreciated fart of them all. It is called a zip code fart because you can often hear them in the next town. Feel free to use full unmitigated force when bellowing out these rumbling beasts, as high carbohydrates remove any side effects of moisture or spray pattern damage.

6)Ear Popping farts. These are similar to Zip Code farts. Relatively low danger of bad side effects. This is when you haven't eaten all day or maybe a day and a half and feel a rumble mumble crumble feeling in your belly. This curses through your entire body, and you can even wait for it, because it will emit when it is ready, crackling through the body and making your ears pop when released.

7)Mommy farts. Mommy farts are hilarious. As I am a member of the fart panel, I can have some imput,and this is my contribution to the list. When young, my brother and I slept downstairs and mom was right next door. About once every night, she would go to the bathroom, As you know, all kids think farts or seeing their annoying little friend crash her bicycle are the funniest thing in the world. Mom would let these butt cheek rattling farts that echoed down the stairs through the whole house, making them sound even funnier, and they lasted a good 45 seconds to a minute in length. We laughed so hard we'd get into trouble but it was unavoidable for us little kids. We think she did it on purpose because she knew we loved it.

No disrespect meant to any mom's out there, moms fart like everybody else.

8)Vic's Sewer farts.A lifelong friend of mine and a few others on the fart panel discovered this strange phenomenon in tenth grade. Vic could fart at will anytime and everywhere in any situation. On a school bus, in a car, at the movies, in class, in the library, at lunch, it was terrible. He was so skilled at this, that they never made a sound. It was the most God awful foul smell you could ever imagine. Fifty times worse than an outhouse at a campsite. It was horrendous, and we knew by his smile he was ready to share. The smell was unbearable but we were a little prepared, every one left the room or library EVERY SINGLE TIME with us to follow. It was hilarious but unfathomable at the same time. The movie scenario was the worst, but the funniest. People would start gagging and run out of the theatre, while we moved away but laughed our heads off.

9)Accidental farts. These are bad, embarrassing and never good, and can cost you jobs, girlfriends, customers, friendships. This is when you know the fart is coming, are trying to hold it in, but can't get to a proper farting facility in time. You may be at work, on a date, in a store, you bend over to pick up the ravioli and capoosh, oh shit!! It came out. Your face is red, your blood pressure is rising, but you suddenly feel much better, say, ”Oops, well excuse the heck out of me, I'm sorry about that.” After this of course, two kids a few feet away can't stop laughing, one of them pushes out a fart too, then the other, and they run around the corner giggling, and the guy stocking the shelves can't stop chuckling either.

10)The Gooey Wet Dripping Running farts. This is the granddaddy of all farts,and a social killer because it always happens at the mall or another inconvenient public place. This is always committed by eleven to thirteen year olds. After spending the night at a friend's house, raiding the refrigerator, eating tons of microwave burritos and watching movies, the kids go to the mall the next morning. It is summer and they are wearing shorts.

One of them farts; the other tries to repeat the flatulent effect in response (You must be male to understand this) but only manages to shit on himself and it runs down his leg. The first kid runs away from him, poopy legs doesn't know what to do, so he runs after him, spraying brown juice everywhere in the mall.


This is pretty funny

Posted by mrchadmane on Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Wordle of the week

Posted by mrchadmane on Monday, April 13, 2009



Posted by mrchadmane on Sunday, April 12, 2009

This is my new favorite bitch. I want to take her some CranGrape and hula hoop with her for hours.


Hey it's 2001 all over again!

Posted by mrchadmane on Thursday, April 09, 2009

I don't know what in the hell Eminem is thinking, but apparently he thinks he has a time machine and his ass is in 2001! Because this shit looks like a previous Eminem video that he rolled around in a pile of 2009 to make it look current. I swear that fuckery like this makes me sick, because I know this douchebag will make millions off of it, and people will think that its so ORIGINAL and great. There is nothing original or great about Eminem!


Thanks Chris, I will be obese in a week!

Posted by mrchadmane on Thursday, April 09, 2009
Soooo my friend Chris took me to Rita's the other night after he has been talking about it for weeks and I decided to get a Mango Gelati; and let me tell you I am in love. It was AMAZING on so many levels.... it was extra cheap, the perfect amount of italian ice and custard, and it was so so very good! I also tried their new smores cream ice and it was also heaven in a cup! Everyone knows that I looooooove to eat, and that I try out new places as often as I can.... but this place is worth EVERYONE trying, if they haven't already! I'm just glad that I found four locations in Charlotte to hit up once I move there.... one of them not to far from where I'll be living and one of them is right near my new job... I see myself having to be lifted out of my house by a crane in 5...4...3...


He's just a gay fish!

Posted by mrchadmane on Thursday, April 09, 2009

This clip from South Park brings out the LOLz on so many levels. This is some classic shit right here, and the reason that I love South Park so fucking much! I'm just waiting for Kanye to go off on South Park now and talk about how he created South Park and that he was the original voices to all the characters! He is such a toolbox.


Still horrible.

Posted by mrchadmane on Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Soooo, I went and saw Twilight originally with a friend when it debuted in theaters... and I thought it pretty much blew. The acting was horrible, the storyline was weak, and the acting was horrible. Yes, I know I said the acting was horrible twice. But it needed to be said twice. I can't believe that anyone can possibly say that they think that this horseshit is any good. It was so cheesetastic that I thought that I was watching it wrong or something. So I decided to give it another chance and watched it last night again on DVD. I don't know if it is even possible for it to suck worse than it did in the theater, but it did. I want to donkey punch the bitch that plays Bella, and I want to tell the dude that plays Edward that his overly dramatic faces are hilarious. The best part of the whole movie is when she almost gets hit by a car. But in my mind it went a lot differently. Anyhow, I have a lot of friends that are die hard Twilight fans, and I know that i will get some sort of angry email or text from them when they read this. But, I don't give a fuck. I watched this shit twice and it still was worse than watching an episode of Gilmore Girls.


This is not going as planned.

Posted by mrchadmane on Wednesday, April 08, 2009

So, when I decided it was a good idea to move to Sanford and live with my parents; a lot of people were skeptical of it, and thought for sure my ass would end up in jail for murder. At that point, I had a job and worked 10 hours a day, money to escape Sanford with, and I was not close to any breaking point whatsoever. Here it is 6 months later, and I am about to cut bitches. I have no job, I am the poorest man in America, and I am so close to my breaking point that I lock my ass in my room all day to keep from throwing people down the stairs. I swear that my mother is constantly trying to see how much shit she can do to annoy me before I run over her with my car!

Well, I have gotten a job in Charlotte that starts April 29th. So, I will be moving there fairly soon. And how about my mom is being a complete and utter piece of shit about the whole situation. That bitch wants me to live at home forever. I mean, if I were her I would be trying to kick my ass to the curb any and every chance I got!!! I am not pleasant to be around these days... like I said I will cut a bitch and not think twice about it. I am so over living in Sanford, with my parents, being broke, with nothing to fucking do!

The original plan was for me to move home and help my parents fix up their new house... and to help them sell their old house. While saving money for myself, so I could buy a house. Well, that shit didn't work out. At all. So anyway, I have been living here since October and I think that if I had to stay here another month I would need to be committed because I would FO SHO be a threat to myself and others.


Words most commonly used on my blog.

Posted by mrchadmane on Wednesday, April 08, 2009
So the bitches at wordle.net have came up with this shit. You can input your blog, twitter, or facebook url and they come up with a word cloud with the words you use most frequently. Apparently, I use the word gnomes a lot. I think I'll check this weekly to see what is the most important issue on my mind that week.


Burger King + Spongebob= This shit.

Posted by mrchadmane on Wednesday, April 08, 2009

So I was watching the Tarheels beat the shit out of the Spartans the other night during the NCAA tournament when this fuckery came on. I am so concerned. The marketing person at Burger King who thought to bring Spongebob Squarepants and Sir-Mix-A-Lot together probably had a hit of of the wrong kind of acid before that idea popped up in their head. This commercial was born from that trip! I mean, I thought I was the only one who got a bad case of square ass. It happens when you have to much butt sex, but children don't need to know that! Damn! Now children are going to be running around the streets measuring each other's foam brick asses! Burger King is not right for this.

However, 99 cents for a kids meal is fucking cheap!!! I will be going to Burger King this week and getting me a kids meal. I don't know whats in it, but who gives a fuck? It's 99 cents and it comes with a toy.... Sign me up!

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