The Hills!!!!!!!

Posted by mrchadmane on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 in
So, clearly I can't quit the Hills. I have tried cold turkey, worn the patch, and even tried the Gossip Girl method. None of these worked, so I gave in and decided to keep watching. And I am so glad that I did!!! It was so eventful and so awesome, I was glued to my tv screen for the full hour!

However, I hate Spencer with all of my little soul and I wish that he would just get hit by a blimp, but no here he is on this show, spreading his douchery. Not to mention, I am one of the people that actually likes Heidi and thinks she is a good person, and I hope that she gets away from this piece of shit and realizes that he is just using her! But, seriously I can't believe he got into a fight and didn't get punched 1 time. That to me shows that this show is extra fake. Because he would have gotten punched or kicked or bitchslapped at least one time!

Anyfleshcoloredbeard, I did think it was very wrong of Heidi to go to Lauren's birthday party... It was awkward and stupid especially since she wasn't invited and is still with Spencer, which Lauren has made very clear she was not down with. Its all Stephanie's fault for being a busy body trying to get everyone to get along. But Lauren sure did let her know how she felt about that!

Anyway, I am def tuning in next week to see it, and my TiVo has a season pass so I will be here all season glued to it... someone save me!


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