This Bitch...
Posted by mrchadmane
Friday, June 12, 2009
Can I please go one fucking day without hearing something about this dumb twat? I swear to silicone I read or see something about her every day, and I think its time for this shit-train to come to a complete stop and let this bitch off. I remember the days when you were "famous" because you were talented, not because you had no talent and detachable body parts.
Anyskank, apparently this bitch is going to be in Playboy in September. Now this I can be on board with! This is where dumb, blond, talentless hoebags with fake boobies belong. Not on TV, or trying to make music, or on the cover of regular magazines with no plastic cover. I'm glad she has finally decided to embrace her fate as a silent piece of eyecandy for millions of horny men around America. But if she tries so sing or act, RUN!