Creepy McCreepCreep
Posted by mrchadmane
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Just when you thought the world was safe from evil hoes, Marilyn Manson shows his scary ass face again... I haven't ever figured out why in the world he was famous/popular when I was in middle and high school. There were girls in my class that would give their right tit for him. So I remember looking his ass up online to see what the fuss was about, and thinking "are they really talking about this skinny pale ass white fucker?" It was all lost on me, and I like all music to a degree. And I do I have to admit some of his songs are catchy, but this mofo is creepy. I just don't get it. Anymissingribs, here he is on Thursday in NYC being creepy. Apparently, he is working on new music.... Imma need him to work on a new look, I mean he is almost 50 and this shit just isn't working for him anymore. (Not that it ever worked for him) He still looks like Paul Pfeiffer from The Wonder Years.