Still horrible.
Posted by mrchadmane
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Soooo, I went and saw Twilight originally with a friend when it debuted in theaters... and I thought it pretty much blew. The acting was horrible, the storyline was weak, and the acting was horrible. Yes, I know I said the acting was horrible twice. But it needed to be said twice. I can't believe that anyone can possibly say that they think that this horseshit is any good. It was so cheesetastic that I thought that I was watching it wrong or something. So I decided to give it another chance and watched it last night again on DVD. I don't know if it is even possible for it to suck worse than it did in the theater, but it did. I want to donkey punch the bitch that plays Bella, and I want to tell the dude that plays Edward that his overly dramatic faces are hilarious. The best part of the whole movie is when she almost gets hit by a car. But in my mind it went a lot differently. Anyhow, I have a lot of friends that are die hard Twilight fans, and I know that i will get some sort of angry email or text from them when they read this. But, I don't give a fuck. I watched this shit twice and it still was worse than watching an episode of Gilmore Girls.