My new TiVo is the best invention ever.
Ok ok ok.... so I know I am always talking about how great my TiVo is. I mean, next to the microwave, I don't think I could live without it. I mean, I would give up the iPhone in a rash decision to save my TiVo. Well, recently I acquired the new Series 3 HDXL TiVo. It makes my little cold black heart grow like 20 sizes and skip beats. This thing, in all reality, is the only box you need. I mean, you just put a cable card in it, and you are done. So now I have digital cable, HD channels, and my basic cable coming through my TiVo box. And I know a lot of people will say, "well my cable or satellite box does that"... and then I kick them in the teeth and laugh at them.
The TiVo series 3 HDXL records 3 shows at once, has amazon unbox on it, which you can buy any movie and save it on your TiVo, it has YouTube, which you can download and watch any video on YouTube, not to mention you can upload and download songs and movies from your computer, and from your TiVo onto your computer/iPod, you can also order a Domino's Pizza directly from it, buy movie tickets, download music videos, and check traffic and weather conditions instantly.
It's this kind of innovation and compelling features that will keep me paying for TiVo. To me TiVo is much more than a simple DVR, which is all you really get from your piece of shit box from the cable company.