I heart Spaghetti O's

Posted by mrchadmane on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 in ,
I freakin love spaghetti o's!!!!!!!!!!!! I could live off of spaghetti o's, fudge rounds, and cheerwine for the rest of my life!!! I have been sick now for a couple of days, and tonight when I ate my spaghetti o's, it made me feel so much better :) I pretty much love all kinds of spaghetti o's except for the ones with franks cut up in them. That shit makes me want to blow chunks.

As much as I love spaghetti o's, I must have them to be microwaved. My friend Kim eats that shit straight out of the can!!! Now, I will eat some shit cold... pizza, chicken, etc.... but spaghetti o's cold is just wrong. I mean, it only takes like 2 or 3 minutes for them things to get warm... and if you can't wait that 2 or 3 minutes, then you have bigger problems than eating cold spaghetti o's.

Also, spaghetti o's are VERY recession friendly! They are less than $1 for a can and I get them at Sam's Club for even cheaper than that! I get 8 cans for $6!!! Now, I know a lot of people like Chef Boyardee shit. And I am here to tell you that I had rather eat ass cheese than to eat chef boyardee ANYTHING!!! That mess smells like sweaty armpits and tastes like old socks. It is not worth the extra 30 cents per can.


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